Assuming the Binary is For Robots

Hello and welcome back to oh boy being a senior in any context is tough. You've come at the end of our first unit of the Winter term STEAM class, Social Entrepreneurship! During this unit, we have focused on what makes humans tick, a vital point when thinking about creativity and innovation to create your business. We looked into the individuals, their personalities, how they resolve conflict, how they work in groups, and how those groups work to solve problems. To learn about ourselves we took a fair share of personality tests, including the TKI, Big Five, Myers-Briggs-ish, and a few others! We also learned about a few key concepts when it comes to business such as SWOT analysis, SMART Goals, Total Quality Management, and the commons, most of which you will become familiar with after reading this AP (Action Project).

Speaking of action projects, this time we were asked to look into GCE and find an aspect or point of improvement in the school that we were passionate about, then build an improvement plan using everything we've learned in the past few weeks. So, without further ado, let's get into respect, gender identity, and GCE. (Please note that there are 2 presentations, the only difference is the style you prefer to read it in they both contain the same information).

WHOO, this has been a big AP, I think easily top 3. I really am passionate about the topic I chose and I have already seen some changes made just by talking to staff, this gives me hope that the rest of the goals and plans I've made can come to fruition. Thank you for reading this college thesis, I am going to sleep for a good while now!


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