Through the Screen

Hello and welcome back to my blog! At the moment I am taking a class called A People's Argument, or simply called Argument. In this class, we have learned how to make a solid argument, what a premise is, what a preamble is, and how inductive and deductive arguments are different. We also read many arguments, one of which included the 1776 Declaration of Independence. For FE's (Field Experience), we went to City Hall, the E.P.A (Environment Protection Agency), and met Alderman Walter Burnett.

For our AP (Action Project), we were asked to write a declaration of independence for the right to an independent study we must take at GCE. For my independent study, I chose to study how video games are the evolution of storytelling and what that means for the future of storytelling, I hope you enjoy.

This AP was fairly difficult for me to wrap my head around as it felt almost too blunt to say I have a right to this class, which, in my head seems interesting and fun, not world-shattering. I had no problem writing the class overview and what the class would entail as I have done independent studies before. If I were to do this AP again I would probably choose a topic I know less about as it became difficult to keep the fact that I would be a better teacher than student for the class out of the way.


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