The Cost of Opportunity
University of Chicago starting loan: $252,854
Wildlife Biologist route:
Total time: 36 years, I will be 59
Total payed: $477,981
Multimedia Artist or Animator route:
Total time: 31 years, I will be 54
Total payed: $436,724
Computer Scientist route:
Total time: 27 years, I will be 50
Total payed: $397,462
Columbia College starting loan: $112,522
Multimedia Artist or Animator route:
Total time: 18 years, I will be 41
Total payed: $150,517
Cornell College starting loan: $231,392
Wildlife Biologist route:
Total time: 34 years, I will be 57
Total payed: $421,025
Multimedia Artist or Animator route:
Total time: 29 years, I will be 52
Total payed: $386,434
Computer Scientist route:
Total time: 25 years, I will be 48
Total payed: $352,995
UIC starting loan: $49,448
Wildlife Biologist route:
Total time: 10 years, I will be 33
Total payed: $58,397
Multimedia Artist or Animator route:
Total time: 8 years, I will be 31
Total payed: $56,672
Computer Scientist route:
Total time: 6 years, I will be 29
Total payed: $55,103
Never ever, have I wanted to say PHEW after an AP as much as with this one! It really bore me down into the bone. It's has been a bit difficult for me to understand what I am even writing, college doesn't yet feel like this tangible thing to me. I think this AP helped ground the idea of what college is going to give me (and what I'm giving colleges) which has helped me choose 3 career paths I can confidently say I will enjoy and be paid well for!
Now the money part of this AP may seem very daunting, but I promise it's not! I have not at all factored in scholarship money or any other financial help I may receive for college. But if you want to look more into my data and how I made all those rad charts and tables, here's a link to my spreadsheet!
Thank you for reading this daunting and haunting AP, best wishes, Mena!
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