Binding Bones, The Separation of Conjoined Twins

Hello Micah,
I am mailing you a booklet with notes about my previous excursion with separating conjoined twins, as well as the history of separation surgeries. Since you will be present for my next surgery on conjoined twins I think it will do you well to learn about a previous case.

In my class, Cure, we have been studying how diseases begin and how we can, well, cure them! We have been studying what a doctor is, cells, cell's reproduction, the Hippocratic oath, DNA, chromosomes, conic sections, quadratic formulas, and zero product property. We went on one FE (field experience) this unit and it was to the International Museum of Surgical Science.

For this AP (action project) we were supposed to choose a surgery and study it very thoroughly. From how the damage or disease affects the overall body,  all the way to its cells. I chose the very complicated conjoined twin separation surgery as I know many odd facts about twin surgeries done in the 1930s. Enjoy reading a very in-depth look at separation surgery!


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