Some Self Reflection

Hello and welcome to the first AP (Action Project) for our geometry workshop, Prove It or Lose It. In this workshop, we have studied a plentitude of things like deductive reasoning, analytical writing, logical argument in algebra and geometry, complementary and supplementary angles, and reflections. Talking about reflections... A reflection, based on what we've learned, is a line that is mirrored on a plane with the same angle and distance. Our AP is to show our understanding of reflections, as well as where we can find them in the real world, and our understanding of everything else we have learned. But I decided to take things a step further. 

What is a refraction? Simply put it is when light passed through 2 different substances and changes direction. For my AP I chose to have a laser pass through air and water, as you can see below. Though before I reached the idea of a refraction I thought of where we could find reflections in real life. I came to a list that included clocks, the game PONG, a tennis game, and plainly a mirror reflection.

It is so interesting to see where reflections are in the real world because once you look you'll see so many! I also didn't know refractions had a name, it was so interesting to learn about them and about Snell's Law. If I were to do this AP again I would perhaps do more reflections and refractions just to compare them!


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