Natural Gas, Silent but Deadly

Hello, this is the first AP (Action Project) for our class Fuel! This class is about how we use fuel, where it comes from and where it goes. In this unit, Past, we learned about graphing, chemistry, the periodic table, atoms, molecules, renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. In this unit, we went on an FE (Field Experience) to Tesla. We talked to a staff member from Tesla about the cars, where we can charge the cars, how much it costs to charge the cars, and why they are better than gasoline-run cars. We took everything we learned in class and from Tesla to make an AP selling our preferred non-renewable fossil fuel. I chose to sell natural gas since, in my opinion, it is the least dangerous and most cost-effective resource. 

I have learned a multitude of things after completing this AP; I learned about the consumption of natural gas and where and how it is produced. I think a lot of people are misinformed when talking about fossil fuels, I never knew anything about natural gas and it powers many appliances in my own house! I am very proud of how this AP came out, I put heaps of effort into this AP and I think the aesthetic and information came out wonderfully! There were a few difficulties with graphing since I am not too used to making graphs, but I do think it came out quite nice. Overall I enjoyed this AP and learned a lot from it!


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