Fix a Plea in 3D!

Hello and welcome to the conclusion of both our 3D unit and our class Rapid Prototyping! In this unit, we worked with 3D printers, making 3D objects by hand, Riemann sums, the area of basic shapes, impossible objects and forced perspective. To give rest to this unit we decided on comparing how different it is to make a 3D object by hand, made in either clay or cardboard, or by machine (the 3D printer.) I had a lot of fun going through Thingiverse, where there are many 3D designs people have made, choosing one to remix and publishing it! As well as actually building things, though they were time consuming to build, making things by hand is very fulfilling. I did have a lot of difficulty with making a 3D design with cardboard as it had to be built layer by layer which took forever and was dangerous because I had to use box-cutters and an X-acto! Though I did persevere and cut out 42 circles to build the model with plenty of determination.


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