Wood Works!

Hello! We are just about done building our birdhouses in Woodshop (which is every Thursday!) and I wanted to show you our process!

GGS (2017) Wood Works
 This is what we started off with, a long plank of wood. Doesn't look like much right? Well made it into something amazing. In our first class, we got the basics of how Woodshop works and we cut some meter sticks with hand blades. We also learned how to use the table saw as it is faster and more precise in cutting wood. Then in the last few minutes, we began to cut into our board. Sadly time cut us after a few cuts. But in our second class, we cut the whole thing to our liking. Everything was set for us to glue and nail it together. As such in our third class, we began to glue everything together and, using clamps to hold everything down, use a nail gun to secure everything in place.

GGS (2017) Wood Works
 This is my almost finished product (as of September 21st!) She's all decked out and ready for a roof and a little hole for the birds to go into! As soon as we put the bird hole and the roof on the birdhouses we will be able to decorate these birdhouses to our liking, which I am very excited to do!

Through September 28 and October 5th we started to paint our bird houses and here is my finished product!

GGS (2017) Wood Works
GGS (2017) Wood Works
GGS (2017) Wood Works

GGS (2017) Wood Works
Now that we are finishing our term I am pretty melancholy at the fact that I won't be building things every Thursday. But I did learn many useful things from this class, I learned how to use a table and hand saw, a power drill, a sandpaper machine, and how to make a bird house! These skills will most likely be useful to me in the future, plus it's always good to have a basic understanding of tools!

GGS (2017) Wood Works


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