Time Capsule from a Neutral Future

Hello and welcome back to my blog! We are wrapping up our class Equality and our winter term, which feels so bizarre! And, since it's ending, let me give you a quick recap about what happened in this class.

We focused on equality and what that means to us, and where we see inequalities. We learned about the history of inequality and the efforts to change them. We zoned in on three concepts where inequality is prevalent; class, gender, and race. To developed these concepts we watched a video about how Racism Is Real, learned about the evolution of feminism and important feminists throughout history, watched a TED Talk by author and feminist Chimamanda Adichie, read an excerpt from Between The World & Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, researched pros and cons for affirmative action, and had a debate on whether or not affirmative action is beneficial for our society. To put it lightly it was a lot of heavy concepts and deep internal thought exercises. 

It all culminates into our final Action Project where we were to think of an equal future that focused on one of the 3 main concepts (gender, race, or class). Then write and make a news article, opinion piece, policy, and product set 100 years into that future. Also creating a video from 100 more years in the future finding all of these materials in a time capsule. 

For my AP I decided to make a gender neutral future where the constructs and inequalities that come with gender are null and void. Where people can live freely and equally in their own skin. Here is a Neutral Future.


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