A Ribbiting Business Plan

If you would have told high school freshman me that I would become a business owner of a game company I would have never ever believed you. I was always scared of the word 'business', it reminded me of sad suited-up people working 9-5, 6 out of 7 days of the week. But, after taking Game Changers 2 years ago my definition of business changed drastically. Business suddenly meant I could get paid for doing what I love to do and not have to ask for permission to do so. Now, after taking Social Entrepreneurship & You, my definition has become more refined, more mature.

Through the class, I've learned about social businesses and how they can give back to their community, how investors are not something to fear, how partnerships and companies legally function, how to create a business plan, the differences between a product and a business, and fixed vs. variable costs. To learn more about business in the real world we spoke with Chicago business owner James Bateman who owns and operates the restaurant Gadabout in Andersonville, Chicago. To learn more about funding, investors, and networking we spoke to Matthew Nicklin, who works as a managing director at First Analysis.

My business, Ribbiting Games, was a very loose and free-form idea. I never had a plan or a formal document that outlined what I want the company to be. Through this class I found the right terminology and concepts to formally talk about and present my business to others, which is exactly what our AP is about! For this Action project, we were asked to make a business plan for a hypothetical business we could run, the only difference for me was that the business wasn't hypothetical. 

So here we have the official business plan for Ribbiting Games~


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