The Disparity of Bodily Integrity

Welcome to The Role of Binary Gender Roles in America, your humanities 101 class. In this class, you will learn everything I have from a class I took back in high school called, Equality. 

We will dig deep into the inequalities in America, with a focus on inequalities in race, gender, and/or class. We will be reading ta-Nehisi Coates' article The Case For Reparations, as well as speeches and/or writings by Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and James Baldwin. At the end of this term, you will complete an Action Project rewriting an important event in history from the perspective of a marginalized voice.

Below you will my own Action Project for this class, use it to learn about the inequality women face when talking about bodily integrity.

Howdy! I hope you enjoyed this AP, and I hope you learned something from it! I have been on an inequality spree when it comes to my AP's, and while researching I found out a lot about the struggles there are for men in bodily integrity. While people with uteruses are more marginalized than males, it is interesting and disheartening to see that they too are going through similar struggles.


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