Diversity not Diversion
Hello, before we jump into your regularly scheduled programming I want to tell you about what's going on in the world. Quarantine due to COVID-19 continues to rage on, and 275K people have perished as of writing this due to COVID-19. It's an odd time to be so focused on schoolwork about history when you're living it. GCE's classes have continued digitally and, though still bizarre, we're getting better. Please, take care of yourself and your family, wash your hands, and comply with the CDC's guidelines. Much love, GGS.
Welcome, Welcome, to the first unit for my humanities class, Policy. In this class, we've learned about the legislative branch of the U.S. government, what policy is in legal terms, what policies mean to us, how a bill becomes a law, and how other governments pass their policies. We've also studied WWI and the Spanish American War. As an FE (Field Experience) we were able to call public defender, Connie Jordan, and ask her about bills she showed us. It was the second time we got to talk to Connie and it has been a pleasure both times.
To conclude, I am very glad we had this class as, beforehand, I didn't really know much of anything about politics. I think it is very important for people my age to know what politics are all about and how bills and legislation get passed into laws and policies since next year, we're going to be voting.
Christensen, Jen. "Suicide attempts by black teens are increasing,
study says." cnn.com. Oct. 14, 2019.
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. "Suicide Facts and
Statistics." SAVE.org. 2017.
Welcome, Welcome, to the first unit for my humanities class, Policy. In this class, we've learned about the legislative branch of the U.S. government, what policy is in legal terms, what policies mean to us, how a bill becomes a law, and how other governments pass their policies. We've also studied WWI and the Spanish American War. As an FE (Field Experience) we were able to call public defender, Connie Jordan, and ask her about bills she showed us. It was the second time we got to talk to Connie and it has been a pleasure both times.
Now for our AP (Action Project), we were asked to write a letter about a bill in the process of becoming a law or pending legislation addressed to our representative. This representative could range from our alderman, state representative, or a house representative. I am writing my letter to my district senator, Steven M. Landek. I am writing about SB3828, a bill about the teaching of the Holocaust and genocides, African American history, slavery, women's history, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) history in Illinois public school. Here it is:
To conclude, I am very glad we had this class as, beforehand, I didn't really know much of anything about politics. I think it is very important for people my age to know what politics are all about and how bills and legislation get passed into laws and policies since next year, we're going to be voting.
Christensen, Jen. "Suicide attempts by black teens are increasing,
study says." cnn.com. Oct. 14, 2019.
Kim, Audrey. "A culturally rich curriculum can improve minority
student achievement." Thomas Fordham Institute. Feb. 18, 2016.Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. "Suicide Facts and
Statistics." SAVE.org. 2017.
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