Do We Know Nature?

Hello! Welcome to the first (mini) Action Project for my class Food! For this AP we had to review the book that we read over our spring break, Masanobu Fukuoka's One Straw Revolution. And even though I gave a review in the video it was all improvised and I had forgotten some points I wanted to make, so here it is in written form!

The book One Straw Revolution is about Mr. Fukuoka's journey in discovering how little he and other farmers knew about nature. It's about him coming to the idea to let nature run its course when farming because it is as efficient or more so than using chemicals other farmers use. I learned a lot from this book, mostly to not trust the normative because that what it is normative what has been ingrained but can be the wrong or less effective route. There's also a lot about how to tend to a farm, how to get rid of pests and unhelpful weeds naturally, and what to use as fertilizer! I mostly did really like this book, it's interesting, informative, and brings a new perspective to our science-based world. But there did seem to be a lot of repetition as I found myself stumbling through repetition while making this video. It stays on the topic that nature is unpredictable and we don't understand it as well as don't use chemicals, fertilizers because it weakens the plant from its former strength out in nature. Other questions I did answer in the video enjoy!

Bauk, Dušan, On Tour, 06. funny world, Free Music Archive, made November 1, 2012, seen March 13, 2018


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